Source code for cyipopt.scipy_interface

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
cyipopt: Python wrapper for the Ipopt optimization package, written in Cython.

Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Amit Aides
Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Matthias Kümmerer
Copyright (C) 2017-2021 cyipopt developers

License: EPL 1.0

import sys

import numpy as np
    import scipy
except ImportError:  # scipy is not installed
    del scipy
    from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime
        from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
        from scipy.optimize.optimize import MemoizeJac
    except ImportError:
        # in scipy 0.14 Result was renamed to OptimzeResult
        from scipy.optimize import Result
        OptimizeResult = Result

import cyipopt

class IpoptProblemWrapper(object):
    """Class used to map an scipy minimize definition to a cyipopt problem.

    fun : callable
        The objective function to be minimized: ``fun(x, *args, **kwargs) ->
    args : tuple, optional
        Extra arguments passed to the objective function and its derivatives
        (``fun``, ``jac``, ``hess``).
    kwargs : dictionary, optional
        Extra keyword arguments passed to the objective function and its
        derivatives (``fun``, ``jac``, ``hess``).
    jac : callable, optional
        The Jacobian of the objective function: ``jac(x, *args, **kwargs) ->
        ndarray, shape(n, )``. If ``None``, SciPy's ``approx_fprime`` is used.
    hess : callable, optional
        If ``None``, the Hessian is computed using IPOPT's numerical methods.
        Explicitly defined Hessians are not yet supported for this class.
    hessp : callable, optional
        If ``None``, the Hessian is computed using IPOPT's numerical methods.
        Explicitly defined Hessians are not yet supported for this class.
    constraints : {Constraint, dict} or List of {Constraint, dict}, optional
        for more information.
    eps : float, optional
        Epsilon used in finite differences.
    con_dims : array_like, optional
        Dimensions p_1, ..., p_m of the m constraint functions 
        g_1, ..., g_m : R^n -> R^(p_i).
    def __init__(self,
        if not SCIPY_INSTALLED:
            msg = 'Install SciPy to use the `IpoptProblemWrapper` class.'
            raise ImportError()
        self.obj_hess = None
        self.last_x = None
        if hessp is not None:
            msg = 'Using hessian matrix times an arbitrary vector is not yet implemented!'
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
        if hess is not None:
            self.obj_hess = hess
        if jac is None:
            jac = lambda x0, *args, **kwargs: approx_fprime(
                x0, fun, eps, *args, **kwargs)
        elif jac is True:
            fun = MemoizeJac(fun)
            jac = fun.derivative
        elif not callable(jac):
            raise NotImplementedError('jac has to be bool or a function') = fun
        self.jac = jac
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs or {}
        self._constraint_funs = []
        self._constraint_jacs = []
        self._constraint_hessians = []
        self._constraint_dims = np.asarray(con_dims)
        self._constraint_args = []
        self._constraint_kwargs = []
        if isinstance(constraints, dict):
            constraints = (constraints, )
        for con in constraints:
            con_fun = con['fun']
            con_jac = con.get('jac', None)
            con_args = con.get('args', [])
            con_hessian = con.get('hess', None)
            con_kwargs = con.get('kwargs', {})
            if con_jac is None:
                con_jac = lambda x0, *args, **kwargs: approx_fprime(
                    x0, con_fun, eps, *args, **kwargs)
            elif con_jac is True:
                con_fun = MemoizeJac(con_fun)
                con_jac = con_fun.derivative
            elif not callable(con_jac):
                raise NotImplementedError('jac has to be bool or a function')
            if (self.obj_hess is not None
                    and con_hessian is None) or (self.obj_hess is None
                                                 and con_hessian is not None):
                msg = "hessian has to be provided for the objective and all constraints"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg)
        # Set up evaluation counts
        self.nfev = 0
        self.njev = 0
        self.nit = 0

    def evaluate_fun_with_grad(self, x):
        """ For backwards compatibility. """
        return (self.objective(x), self.gradient(x, **self.kwargs))

    def objective(self, x):
        self.nfev += 1
        return, *self.args, **self.kwargs)

    def gradient(self, x, **kwargs):
        self.njev += 1
        return self.jac(x, *self.args, **self.kwargs)  # .T

    def constraints(self, x):
        con_values = []
        for fun, args in zip(self._constraint_funs, self._constraint_args):
            con_values.append(fun(x, *args))
        return np.hstack(con_values)

    def jacobian(self, x):
        con_values = []
        for jac, args in zip(self._constraint_jacs, self._constraint_args):
            con_values.append(jac(x, *args))
        return np.vstack(con_values)

    def hessian(self, x, lagrange, obj_factor):
        H = obj_factor * self.obj_hess(x)  # type: ignore
        # split the lagrangian multipliers for each constraint hessian
        lagrs = np.split(lagrange, np.cumsum(self._constraint_dims[:-1]))
        for hessian, args, lagr in zip(self._constraint_hessians,
                                       self._constraint_args, lagrs):
            H += hessian(x, lagr, *args)
        return H[np.tril_indices(x.size)]

    def intermediate(self, alg_mod, iter_count, obj_value, inf_pr, inf_du, mu,
                     d_norm, regularization_size, alpha_du, alpha_pr,

        self.nit = iter_count

def get_bounds(bounds):
    if bounds is None:
        return None, None
        lb = [b[0] for b in bounds]
        ub = [b[1] for b in bounds]
        return lb, ub

def get_constraint_dimensions(constraints, x0):
    con_dims = []
    if isinstance(constraints, dict):
        constraints = (constraints, )
    for con in constraints:
        if con.get('jac', False) is True:
            m = len(np.atleast_1d(con['fun'](x0, *con.get('args', []))[0]))
            m = len(np.atleast_1d(con['fun'](x0, *con.get('args', []))))
    return np.array(con_dims)

def get_constraint_bounds(constraints, x0, INF=1e19):
    cl = []
    cu = []
    if isinstance(constraints, dict):
        constraints = (constraints, )
    for con in constraints:
        if con.get('jac', False) is True:
            m = len(np.atleast_1d(con['fun'](x0, *con.get('args', []))[0]))
            m = len(np.atleast_1d(con['fun'](x0, *con.get('args', []))))
        if con['type'] == 'eq':
        elif con['type'] == 'ineq':
            cu.extend(INF * np.ones(m))
            raise ValueError(con['type'])
    cl = np.array(cl)
    cu = np.array(cu)

    return cl, cu

def replace_option(options, oldname, newname):
    if oldname in options:
        if newname not in options:
            options[newname] = options.pop(oldname)

def convert_to_bytes(options):
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
        for key in list(options.keys()):
                if bytes(key, 'utf-8') != key:
                    options[bytes(key, 'utf-8')] = options[key]
            except TypeError:

[docs]def minimize_ipopt(fun, x0, args=(), kwargs=None, method=None, jac=None, hess=None, hessp=None, bounds=None, constraints=(), tol=None, callback=None, options=None): """ Minimize a function using ipopt. The call signature is exactly like for ``scipy.optimize.mimize``. In options, all options are directly passed to ipopt. Check [] for details. The options ``disp`` and ``maxiter`` are automatically mapped to their ipopt-equivalents ``print_level`` and ``max_iter``. """ if not SCIPY_INSTALLED: msg = 'Install SciPy to use the `minimize_ipopt` function.' raise ImportError(msg) _x0 = np.atleast_1d(x0) lb, ub = get_bounds(bounds) cl, cu = get_constraint_bounds(constraints, x0) con_dims = get_constraint_dimensions(constraints, x0) problem = IpoptProblemWrapper(fun, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, jac=jac, hess=hess, hessp=hessp, constraints=constraints, eps=1e-8, con_dims=con_dims) if options is None: options = {} nlp = cyipopt.Problem(n=len(_x0), m=len(cl), problem_obj=problem, lb=lb, ub=ub, cl=cl, cu=cu) # python3 compatibility convert_to_bytes(options) # Rename some default scipy options replace_option(options, b'disp', b'print_level') replace_option(options, b'maxiter', b'max_iter') if b'print_level' not in options: options[b'print_level'] = 0 if b'tol' not in options: options[b'tol'] = tol or 1e-8 if b'mu_strategy' not in options: options[b'mu_strategy'] = b'adaptive' if b'hessian_approximation' not in options: if hess is None and hessp is None: options[b'hessian_approximation'] = b'limited-memory' for option, value in options.items(): try: nlp.add_option(option, value) except TypeError as e: msg = 'Invalid option for IPOPT: {0}: {1} (Original message: "{2}")' raise TypeError(msg.format(option, value, e)) x, info = nlp.solve(_x0) if np.asarray(x0).shape == (): x = x[0] return OptimizeResult(x=x, success=info['status'] == 0, status=info['status'], message=info['status_msg'], fun=info['obj_val'], info=info, nfev=problem.nfev, njev=problem.njev, nit=problem.nit)